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T O   P R O T E C T   &   S U S T A I N   

O U R   C O M M U N I T Y 

O U R   G O A L   I S   S I M P L E

W H A T   I S   
H A P P E N I N G 

Clintar Landscape Management Company operates on 198 Waverly Road. At this location they store fleets of heavy machinery (bulldozers, front-end loader, trucks, plows, etc.). The daily operation of this business is causing heavy poisonous fumes and extreme noise pollution in the surrounding residential area:

  • Creation of nuisances, offensive noises and vibrations

  • Fire explosion hazards

  • Emission of gas, fumes, dust, oil and objectionable odor

  • Unsightly storage of goods

  • Salvage of equipment

  • Storage of refuse matter, waste and other material

Suppling other Landscaping Companys.jpg

L E A R N   A B O U T 
T H E   H I S T O R Y

The residents of the community have been trying to protect this space since 2004. It began when Bus Boys occupied the land. The company began turning the busses on to warm them up in the early hours of the morning. They would leave them idle for long periods of time putting poisonous gas fumes into the air and into the Montebello sub division area.

When it was brought up to the councilor at that time, Andrew Younger, he immediately realized the severity. He worked diligently with our Mayor, Peter Kelley, to move the Bus Boys to another location of operation. Following the resolution, the mayor and councilor assured the community that steps would be taken to change the zoning so that history did not repeat itself. 

Unfortunately, in 2009 the zoning was changed from light commercial to a newly created zoning - 'C-1B'. The councilor and mayor were no longer in office and promises made to the community were not upheld. Thus, Clintar Landscape Management Company has been in operation for several years and significantly growing their business. This has caused a significant increase in pollution and noise which is detrimental to the community, residences surrounding and daycare next door. 


The difference in zoning pertains to the allowance of obnoxious uses

Light commercial zone


Obnoxious uses not permitted




Obnoxious uses are permitted

What are obnoxious uses?

The HRM defines obnoxious uses as a use which, from it’s nature or operation, creates a nuisance or is offensive by the creation of Noise, Vibration, Glare, electrical interference, fire explosion hazard, or by reasons of the emission of gas, fumes, dust, oil, or objectionable odor, or by unsightly storage of goods, wares, merchandise, salvage, refuse matter, waste or other material.

W H A T   A R E 

W E   T R Y I N G   T O   D O?

Our goal is simple.

We would like Clintar Landscape Management Company to move their growing operations to an industrial zone.

Want to know more?

S E E   I T   &   H E A R   I T
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